
Existing chlor-alkali processes generally use asbestos, mercury or fluorine-containing ion-exchange membranes to separate the simultaneous chlorine production on the anode and hydrogen production on the cathode, and form sodium hydroxide in the electrolyte. Here, using the Na+ de-intercalation/intercalation of a Na0.44MnO2 electrode as a redox mediator, we decouple the chlor-alkali process into two independent steps: a H-2 production step with the NaOH formation in the electrolyte and a Cl-2 production step. The first step involves a cathodic H-2 evolution reaction (H2O -> H-2) and an anodic Na+ de-intercalation reaction (Na0.44MnO2 -> Na0.44-xMnO2), during which NaOH is produced in the electrolyte solution. The second step depends on a cathodic Na+ intercalation reaction (Na0.44-xMnO2 -> Na0.44MnO2) and an anodic Cl-2 production (Cl -> Cl-2). The cycle of the two steps provides a membrane-free process, which is potentially a promising direction for developing clean chloralkali technology.