
The growth conditions are known to influence the bacterial adhesion to different kinds of surfaces. In the present study the adhering ability of S. maltophilia, on growth in nutrient rich media (Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)) and minimal media (Luria Bertani (LB)) was checked by viable cell count and spectrophotometric method. TSB grown S. maltophilia showed higher adhesion compared to bacteria grown in LB broth, to both biotic and abiotic surfaces. However, when bacteria were grown in LB broth supplemented with different concentrations of glucose, under aerobic conditions, the bacteria grown at lower glucose concentration (2 gm/l) showed maximumadhesion to abiotic surfaces (polystyrene microliter plate) compared to biotic surfaces (mouse trachea, mouse tracheal mucus and HEp-2 cells line). Maximum adhesion to biotic surfaces was seen with cells grown at 4 gm/l of glucose concentration. On the contrary if the cell was grown under microaerophilic conditions maximum adhesion to abiotic and biotic surfaces was achieved with bacteria grown at 1 gm/l and 2 gm/l of glucose concentration respectively. A negative correlation was observed between glucose concentrations and pH of media, the latter declined faster under microaerophilic conditions as compared to aerobic condition.

  • 出版日期2011-8