
NEW POSTCRANIAL MATERIAL OF SAUROSUCHUS GALILEI REIG (ARCHOSAURIA: CRUROTARSI) FROM THE LATE TRIASSIC OF CENTRAL-WESTERN ARGENTINA. Saurosuchus galilei Reig is a "rauisuchid" from the Ischigualasto Formation (late Carnian, Late Triassic) located in central-western Argentina. This paper is the first detailed description of the proatlas-atlas-axis complex of this taxon, of a complete and articulated vertebral column, and of both scapulae. Overall morphology of the proadas-atlas-axis complex is similar to that of other "rauisuchids". This complex and the post-axial cervical vertebrae show the typical traits of an animal with a short and strong neck. The cervical vertebrae are anteroposteriorly compressed and dorsoventrally elongated. Vertebral laminae, interlaminar depressions, and lateral depressions on the centra are present in the cervical and dorsal vertebrae, as in other "rauisuchids". The presacral series bears ventrally keeled centre and large transversal expansions of the distal ends of the neural spines. The caudal series shows axially compressed centre with a longitudinal ventral groove. The scapulae are very robust and have a brief expansion and a slightly curved scapular blade. The remarkable diversity of "rauisuchids" in general, makes a detailed analysis necessary in order to approach morphofunctional and phylogenetic problems; this new material is expected to contribute towards the solution of these problems.

  • 出版日期2011-3-30