
In the literature, typical analytical track response models are composed of beams (which represent the rail) on viscoelastic or elastic foundations. The load is usually considered as a single concentrated force (constant or varying in time) moving with constant speed. Concentrated or distributed loads or multilayer track models have rarely been considered. One can find some interesting results concerning analysis of distributed loads and multilayer track structures that include both analytical and numerical approaches. However, there is a noticeable lack of sufficient comparison between track responses under concentrated or distributed load and between one and multilayer track models. One of the unique features of the present paper is a comparison of data obtained for a series of concentrated and distributed loads, which takes into account a wide range of track parameters and train speeds. One of the fundamental questions associated with the multilayer track model is the level of coupling between the rail and the vibrations of the sleepers. In this paper, it is proved that sleepers are weakly coupled with the rail if the track is without significant imperfections, and the steady-state response is analyzed for this case. In other words, sleeper vibrations do not influence the rail vibrations significantly. Therefore the track is analyzed by means of a two-stage model. The first step of this model determines rail vibration under a moving load, and then the sleeper vibration is calculated from previously obtained kinematic excitation. The model is verified by comparison of the obtained results with experimental data. Techniques based on Fourier series are applied to the solution of the steady-state track response. Another important problem associated with track response under moving loads arises from the analysis of the effect of longitudinal forces in rails on vertical displacement. It is shown that, in the case of the steady-state response, longitudinal forces do not influence rail displacements significantly and this observation remains correct for a wide range of track parameters and train speeds. The paper also analyzes the legitimacy of the statement that additional rail deflection between sleepers, compared to the continuous rail support, can be considered as a track imperfection.

  • 出版日期2017-10