Antibacterial properties of a self-cured acrylic resin composed of a polymer coated with a silver-containing organic composite antibacterial agent

作者:Kiriyama Takashi*; Kuroki Kenjiro; Sasaki Keisuke; Tomino Masahumi; Asakura Masaki; Kominami Yoshiko; Takahashi Yoshihumi; Kawai Tatsushi
来源:Dental Materials Journal, 2013, 32(5): 679-687.


A novel antibacterial polymer, coated with a silver-containing organic composite antibacterial agent, was dispersed in a self-cured acrylic resin. Residual viable cell count of each oral bacterial and fungal species cultivated on acrylic resin specimens containing the antibacterial polymer was significantly decreased when compared to those cultivated on specimens prepared from untreated polymer. A strong inverse correlation was found between the amount of eluted silver ions and the residual viable cell count of all species grown on the antibacterial polymer: the lower the viable cell count, the higher the amount of eluted silver ions. This clearly indicated the antibacterial activity of silver ions. As the content of organic composite antibacterial agent added to the polymer increased from 0.5% to 1.5% in 0.5% increments, amount of eluted silver ions significantly increased with each 0.5% increment to exert greater antibacterial effect.

  • 出版日期2013-10