
The German island of Hiddensee in the Baltic Sea is without cars and arable fields making it especially attractive to botanists, but bryological exploration of the island only began as recently as the 20th century. Intensive mapping of bryophytes, based on a 1 km x 1 km-grid net, carried out during a field-bryologists' meeting in October 2014 revealed changes in the bryophyte flora of Hiddensee in the 20th century and probable causes of those changes. Additionally, it provided information about causes of species richness pattern, including differences within the bryophyte flora of Hiddensee. The mapping further showed the undeniable importance of Hiddensee for the bryophyte flora of northern Germany. 34 species were new to the island, including Tortella flavovirens, which is new to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the northern Dornbusch, the decline or increase of particular bryophyte species is often closely associated with diminishing grazing pressure. In the Holocene sand areas, such changes are associated with the decline of coastal dynamics and expansion of trees, and some endangered bryophyte species, especially peat mosses, still have individual-rich populations there. Based on differences within the bryophyte flora, Hiddensee can be divided into different landscape units. When comparing the species densities among North Germany and Baltic Sea islands and taking into account their relative land masses, Hiddensee ranks second after Vilm in terms of its species diversity in bryophytes, together with the North Sea islands of Borkum and Langeoog.

  • 出版日期2015-11