
The occurrence of six selected pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) were investigated in dalong lake in Xuzhou. Five sampling sites were selected around the dalong lake. In the six selected PPCPs, caffeine demonstrated highest concentration level at each sampling sites according to concentration monitoring, with highest concentration of 71 ng/L. The site E near newly built hospital demonstrated highest PPCP concentration level. The bio-effects monitoring was also performed in this study. The metabolic and genomic damage could be caused to the healthy crucian carps. The damage was acute but not long term. The ecotoxicological and human health risk assessment confirmed that PPCPs detected in each sampling sites posed no potential toxicity. Two PPCPs (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol and sulfamethoxazole) should be seriously considered as candidates for regulatory monitoring in this lake.

  • 出版日期2016-4
  • 单位河南城建学院; 徐州工程学院