
The C-terminal residues 98-104 are important for structure stability of subunit H of A(1)A(O) ATP synthases as well as its interaction with subunit A. Here we determined the structure of the segment H85-104 of H from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, showing a helix between residues Lys90 to Glu100 and flexible tails at both ends. The helix-helix arrangement in the C-terminus was investigated by exchange of hydrophobic residues to single cysteine in mutants of the entire subunit H (H-I93C, H-L96C and H-L98C). Together with the surface charge distribution of H85-104, these results shine light into the A-H assembly of this enzyme.

  • 出版日期2010-2-19
  • 单位南阳理工学院