O g那nero Piptocarpha R.Br. (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) no estado do Paran芍, Brasil

作者:Grokoviski; Larissa; Cervi; Armando Carlos; Tardivo; Rosangela Capuano
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2009, 23(2): 486-498.


the present study analysed the genus piptocarpha r.br. (vernonieae: asteraceae) in the state of paran芍, brazil. the methodology consisted of examining literature, botanical collections and field observations, morphological and taxonomic study of herborized specimens. nine species were confirmed, four of these are scandent species: piptocarpha leprosa (less.) baker, p. oblonga (gardner) baker, p. quadrangularis (vell.) baker and p. sellowii (sch.bip.) baker; and five are trees species: piptocarpha angustifolia dus谷n ex malme, p. axillaris (less.) baker, p. densifolia dus谷n ex g.l. smith, p. macropoda (dc.) baker and p. regnellii (sch.bip.) cabrera. identification key, descriptions, flowering and fruiting time, popular names, geographical distribution, comments and illustrations are provided for each studied taxa.

  • 出版日期2009
