An algorithm J-SC of detecting communities in complex networks

作者:Hu, Fang*; Wang, Mingzhu; Wang, Yanran; Hong, Zhehao; Zhu, Yanhui
来源:Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics , 2017, 381(42): 3604-3612.


Currently, community detection in complex networks has become a hot-button topic. In this paper, based on the Spectral Clustering (SC) algorithm, we introduce the idea of Jacobi iteration, and then propose a novel algorithm J-SC for community detection in complex networks. Furthermore, the accuracy and efficiency of this algorithm are tested by some representative real-world networks and several computer generated networks. The experimental results indicate that the J-SC algorithm can accurately and effectively detect the community structure in these networks. Meanwhile, compared with the state-ofthe-art community detecting algorithms SC, SOM, K-means, Walktrap and Fastgreedy, the J-SC algorithm has better performance, reflecting that this new algorithm can acquire higher values of modularity and NMI. Moreover, this new algorithm has faster running time than SOM and Walktrap algorithms.