
Dream recall frequency showed high interindividual differences, and research has focused, among other variables, on personality traits for explaining these differences. The present study included 2,492 participants measuring the Big Five personality factors, dream recall frequency, and attitude toward dreams. The findings support the notion of dream recall and especially attitude toward dreaming is part of a bigger lifestyle characterized by openness to experience. Although the relationship between dream recall frequency and neuroticism is explained by nightmare frequency, the question as to why attitude toward dreams is related to neuroticism is still unanswered and warrants further studies. It is also not understood why conscientiousness was related to dream recall and attitude toward dreams. Overall, studying samples with diverse educational backgrounds and large age ranges seems necessary in order to validate the findings obtained from student samples in this field.

  • 出版日期2017-3
  • 单位上海市精神卫生中心