
Structural and electrical transport properties were investigated for Heusler-type alloy Ru-2 MnGe thin films. Ru-2 MnGe films onMgO substrate were subjected to an in-plane compressive strain due to their small lattice mismatch (-0.7%), and exhibited enhanced antiferromagnetic transition temperature (T-N) up to 353 K, which is much higher than that of the bulk material (T-N = 316 K). In contrast, the films on MgAl2O4 were almost in a relaxed-strain state, and showed T-N close to the bulk value (304 K). It was also found that the T-N of Ru-2 MnGe thin films on MgO exhibited oscillating behavior depending on c/a ratio. We argued that the next-nearest neighbor magnetic interactions (J(2)) of Mn-Mn atoms has oscillated depending on the degree of strain in Ru-2 MnGe, which contribute to the oscillating behavior of T-N against c/a.

  • 出版日期2012-11