Anomalous three-dimensional bulk ac conduction within the Kondo gap of SmB6 single crystals

作者:Laurita N J*; Morris C M; Koohpayeh S M; Rosa P F S; Phelan W A; Fisk Z; McQueen T M; Armitage N P
来源:Physical Review B, 2016, 94(16): 165154.


The Kondo insulator SmB6 has long been known to display anomalous transport behavior at low temperatures, T < 5 K. In this temperatures range, a plateau is observed in the dc resistivity, contrary to the exponential divergence expected for a gapped system. Recent theoretical calculations suggest that SmB6 may be the first topological Kondo insulator (TKI) and propose that the residual conductivity is due to topological surface states which reside within the Kondo gap. Since the TKI prediction many experiments have claimed to observe high mobility surface states within a perfectly insulating hybridization gap. Here, we investigate the low energy optical conductivity within the hybridization gap of single crystals of SmB6 via time domain terahertz spectroscopy. Samples grown by both optical floating zone and aluminum flux methods are investigated to probe for differences originating from sample growth techniques. We find that both samples display significant three-dimensional bulk conduction originating within the Kondo gap. Although SmB6 may be a bulk dc insulator, it shows significant bulk ac conduction that is many orders of magnitude larger than any known impurity band conduction. The nature of these in-gap states and their coupling with the low energy spin excitons of SmB6 is discussed. Additionally, the well-defined conduction path geometry of our optical experiments allows us to show that any surface states, which lie below our detection threshold if present, must have a sheet resistance of R/square >= 1000 Omega.