
We have performed first-principles calculations to investigate the origin of adsorption of platinum on nitrogen- and boron-doped carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Our calculation results reveal that both nitrogen- and boron-doped CNTs can assist the reactivity of platinum adsorption on the CNT surface, although the detailed mechanisms are very different. For nitrogen-doped CNTs, the enhanced adsorption results from activation of the nitrogen-neighboring carbon atoms due to the large electron affinity of nitrogen. In this case, the nitrogen atoms mediate the platinum adsorption enhancement on the CNT surface. In contrast, the enhanced platinum adsorption in boron-doped CNTs can be attributed to the strong hybridization between the platinum d orbital and boron p orbital. Our results explain the experimentally observed enhanced adsorption of platinum on nitrogen-doped CNTs and also suggest that boron-doped CNTs may be a better candidate for fuel cell applications.

  • 出版日期2009-3