
Neutronic and thermal hydraulic analyses of irradiated fuel plates for Molybdenum-99 production in a research reactor were performed to investigate (1) the heat production during irradiation, (2) decay heat after irradiation, and (3) cooling capacities under various cooling conditions. The heat production on the target plates irradiated in the core was evaluated using the MCNP code. The decay heat after irradiation was evaluated using the ORIGEN-APR code, and compared against ANSI/ANS-5.1-1979. The cooling capacities of forced convective cooling during irradiation and natural convective cooling after irradiation were estimated using the TMAP code. An equilibrium core with different core statuses i.e., BOC, MOC, and EOC was used to evaluate power released from the targets and the axial power distribution. Based on the neutronic calculations, thermal margins i.e., the maximum wall temperature, minimum ONB temperature margin, and minimum CHF ratio were estimated, and the cooling strategy of the fission Mo targets was discussed. The targets were cooled by forced convective cooling during irradiation, and cooled by natural convective cooling after irradiation. For a further production process, the targets transported to a hot cell were exposed to the air, and cooled by natural convection cooling in air. As a result, the maximum wall temperature remained below the ONB temperature while the targets were under water, and the maximum wall temperature remained under the blistering limit while the targets were exposed to air.

  • 出版日期2014-9