
Momordica charantia, commonly known as bitter gourd, has been shown to possess hypoglycemic activity. However, the mechanism of its action is not known. Chemically synthesized D-chiro-inositol (D-CI), the component of insulin mediators, has been demonstrated to have antihyperglycemic effects in rats. In this study, we found that M. charantia fruit contains relatively high levels of D-CI; thus, it may be a source of D-CI for reducing blood glucose concentrations in diabetics. In fed streptozotocin (STZ) rats, a dose of M. charantia fruit extract containing 20 mg of D-CI/kg of body weight markedly reduced blood glucose and plasma insulin after oral administration. A significant effect on oral glucose tolerance was also noted in fasted STZ rats. Findings from this study demonstrate that M. charantia fruit extract is an effective source of D-CI for lowering blood glucose concentrations in rats, and therefore may be useful in the treatment of diabetes.