
Let X be a finitistic space having the mod 2 cohomology algebra of the product of two projective spaces. We study free involutions on X and determine the possible mod 2 cohomology algebra of orbit space of any free involution, using the Leray spectral sequence associated to the Borel fibration X hooked right arrow X(Z2) -> B(Z2). We also give an application of our result to show that if X has the mod 2 cohomology algebra of the product of two real projective spaces (respectively, complex projective spaces), then there does not exist any Z(2)-equivariant map from S(k) -> X for k >= 2 (respectively, k >= 3), where S(k) is equipped with the antipodal involution.

  • 出版日期2010-3
  • 单位常州工学院