
Simulium degrangei Dorier %26 Grenier, 1960 was recorded in southern and central Europe and in the Crimea and Caucasus. Its distribution pattern is scattered. The variability of the mtDNA gene encoding cytochrome oxidase I was studied in populations of S. degrangei from the Western Carpathians in Slovakia and in the northern Hellenides of Greece. In the analyzed samples, 21 haplotypes were recorded, of which twenty were private and occurred in only one mountain range, but one haplotype was found in all three studied populations from the Western Carpathians. Both haplotypes from the Hellenides were private, but these were not isolated and they fit into the haplotype network of the Western Carpathians. Statistics of genetic variability, different designs of analysis of molecular variation with non-significant differences and the pair-wise genetic distances support the hypothesis that there are no differences between the analyzed populations. Similarly, using nested clade phylogeographical analysis, no genetic-geographical structure was found.

  • 出版日期2012-8