Urodynamic profile of voiding disorders persisting after treatment of posterior urethral valve

作者:Riah L*; Belhaj K; Lmidmani F; El Fatimi A; El Kettani Y; El Ayoubi M; Rabii R; Meziane F; El Atiqi F; Sbai H
来源:Progres en Urologie, 2015, 25(4): 217-223.


Purpose. - Posterior urethral valves (PUV) are the most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in infancy that impairs renal and bladder function. Material and methods. - We realize a retrospective study and examined 35 boys with urinary disorders post-treatment of PUV, seen at the urodynamic consultation. Results. - The mean age: 7.56 years, urinary problems are dominated by recurrent urinary tract infections and urinary leakage, morphological assessment is marked by the constant expansion of the urinary tract and bladder, 18 children have end-stage renal disease of which 8 are candidates for transplantation. About urodynamic, the urofiowmetry with measure of post-void urine residue: dysuria with significant residual urine in 14 children; for cystometry, 20 children with bladder hyperactivity, 9 bladders are hypotonic hypoactive with high capacity, 6 explorations are normal. Conclusion. - Urodynamic explorations are all interest when voiding symptoms persist after endoscopic section valves and despite a good radiological result.

  • 出版日期2015-3