Analysis of acidic compounds using capillary electrochromatography

作者:Altria KD*; Smith NW; Turnbull CH
来源:Journal of Chromatography - Biomedical Applications, 1998, 717(1-2): 341-353.


Capillary electrochromatography, CEC, is a hybrid of CE and HPLC and is rapidly gaining interest as a potential complementary technique. This paper provides an overview of literature concerning the separation of acidic compounds by CEC which fall into three distinct groups. These groups are those performed using capillaries packed with novel or unique stationary phases designed for CEC, and a smaller group where standard HPLC stationary phases packings such as ODS has been used. The third group involves the use of surface coated capillaries. This paper reviews the separation of acidic compounds by CEC and also includes a number of novel applications to illustrate the separation approaches and the analytical performance possible.

  • 出版日期1998-10-9