
In this paper we report the basic design characteristics, typical operating parameters, and isotope ratio performance of an orthogonal acceleration linear thermal ionization cavity time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TIC-TOFMS). The present system is capable of mass resolution of 750-850 (FWHM) over a wide range of masses, and can generate and analyze multi-element spectra from sub-mug samples (solids and solution residues) in < 30-45 min. The optimum precision (tcr) of isotope ratios determined from 60-80 spectra (each the average of 600 individual spectra) is 0.2-0.4% R.S.D., and is limited by the instrument drift, dead time and the data acquisition and processing capabilities of the 8-bit digital oscilloscope used to collect the data. Isotope ratio accuracy (1 sigma, per mass unit) for major isotopes is typically < +/-1.0%.

  • 出版日期2001-7-31
  • 单位Los Alamos