A population model for genotyping indels from next-generation sequence data

作者:Shao, Haojing; Bellos, Evangelos; Yin, Hanjiudai; Liu, Xiao; Zou, Jing; Li, Yingrui; Wang, Jun*; Coin, Lachlan J. M.
来源:Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, 41(3): e46.


Insertion and deletion polymorphisms (indels) are an important source of genomic variation in plant and animal genomes, but accurate genotyping from low-coverage and exome next-generation sequence data remains challenging. We introduce an efficient population clustering algorithm for diploids and polyploids which was tested on a dataset of 2000 exomes. Compared with existing methods, we report a 4-fold reduction in overall indel genotype error rates with a 9-fold reduction in low coverage regions.