A comparison of frailty of primary neurons, embryonic, and aging mouse cortical layers

作者:Fugistier Patrick; Vallet Philippe G; Leuba Genevieve; Piotton Francoise; Marin Pascale; Bouras Constantin; Savioz Armand*
来源:Neurobiology of Aging, 2014, 35(2): 322-330.


Superficial layers I to III of the human cerebral cortex are more vulnerable toward Ab peptides than deep layers V to VI in aging. Three models of layers were used to investigate this pattern of frailty. First, primary neurons from E14 and E17 embryonic murine cortices, corresponding respectively to future deep and superficial layers, were treated either with A beta(1-42), okadaic acid, or kainic acid. Second, whole E14 and E17 embryonic cortices, and third, in vitro separated deep and superficial layers of young and old C57BL/6J mice, were treated identically. We observed that E14 and E17 neurons in culture were prone to death after the Ab and particularly the kainic acid treatment. This was also the case for the superficial layers of the aged cortex, but not for the embryonic, the young cortex, and the deep layers of the aged cortex. Thus, the aged superficial layers appeared to be preferentially vulnerable against A beta and kainic acid. This pattern of vulnerability corresponds to enhanced accumulation of senile plaques in the superficial cortical layers with aging and Alzheimer's disease.

  • 出版日期2014-2