
This study examined 29 irrigation organizations in the province of Antalya, Turkey. Sufficiency, efficiency, sustainability and producer satisfaction were used as criteria for the productivity of irrigation networks. Differences in the irrigation organizations were compared and analyzed using a number of performance indicators. It was found that the irrigation associations had an irrigation ratio of 50.4%, that the amount of water distributed in the irrigation facilities was 2.6 times more than the total amount required by the plants themselves, a production value per unit irrigated area of Turkish Lira (TL) 18,382.9 ha(-1), a production value per diverted unit of irrigation water of TL1.3 m(-3), an irrigation area sustainability ratio of 65%, a financial self-sufficiency ratio of 82.2%, an irrigated area per worker of 189 ha person(-1), and a water fee collection ratio of 62.7%. The measurement of water taken into and distributed from a network, the establishment of a monitoring and assessment system to that end, and regular assessment of the water and the performance of the irrigation system are necessary for the efficient use of water resources. In addition, emphasis should be given to tubular irrigation systems, and therefore both water saving and modern irrigation system use should be encouraged.

  • 出版日期2013