
While it is well known that osmotic stimulation induces the expression of Fos family members in the supraoptic nucleus (SON), it is unclear whether the induced protein products are involved in the regulation of the gene transcription of arginine vasopressin (AVP). In the present study, we examined the in vivo correlation between changes in AVP gene transcription and expression of the various Fos family members in the SON after acute osmotic stimuli. The data demonstrated that the peak of AVP transcription (measured by intronic in situ hybridization) observed 15 min after an injection of hypertonic saline preceded the expression of Fos proteins, which became detectable at 30 min and peaked at 120 min. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that the expressed Fos proteins bound to the composite AP-1/CRE-like site in the AVP promoter. These data suggest that Fos proteins in the SON induced by acute osmotic stimuli could affect AVP gene transcription by binding to the AVP promoter, but they are not prerequisite for the induction of AVP gene transcription.

  • 出版日期2010-12-3