
Japanese electric power utilities installed many electric power facilities to respond to increasing power demand in the era of high economic growth. However, these facilities have aged about 40 years and should be replaced in the near future. The utilities will now have to replace larger numbers of facilities at the same time because of the increase in the number of power facilities to be replaced. Therefore, outage planning should be made more efficient. However, creating an outage plan requires time and labor, because the plan must specify (1) the outage schedule, (2) the power system configuration during outage operations, and (3) the system switching of the power system in order to conduct the outage operations. To solve these problems, a fast outage planning method focusing on circuit breakers near the outage facilities is proposed in this paper. Simulations run on IEEJ subtransmission system model I confirm the validity of the proposed method.

  • 出版日期2015-5
