
Wiener's attack is a well-known polynomial-time attack on a RSA cryptosystem with small secret decryption exponent d, which works if d < n(0.25), where n = pq is the modulus of the cryptosystem. Namely, in that case, d is the denominator of some convergent p(m)/q(m) of the continued fraction expansion of e/n, and therefore d can be computed efficiently from the public key (n, e). There are several extensions of Wiener's attack that allow the RSA cryptosystem to be broken when d is a few bits longer than n(0.25). They all have the run-time complexity (at least) O(D(2)), where d = Dn(0.25). Here we propose a new variant of Wiener's attack, which uses results on Diophantine approximations of the form |alpha-p/q| < c/q(2), and "meet-in-the-middle" variant for testing the candidates (of the form rq(m+1) + sq(m)) for the secret exponent. This decreases the run-time complexity of the attack to O(D log D) (with the space complexity O(D)).

  • 出版日期2009-6