
The mitotic spindle is a complex and dynamic structure Although much has been learned about how spindles assemble and mediate chromosome segregation, how spindles rapidly and irreversibly disassemble during telophase is less clear We used synthetic lethal screens in budding yeast to identify mutants defective in spindle disassembly Real-time, live cell imaging analysis of spindle disassembly was performed on nine mutants defective in this process Results of this analysis suggest that spindle disassembly is achieved by mechanistically distinct but functionally overlapping subprocesses disengagement of the spindle halves, arrest of spindle elongation, and initiation of interpolar microtubule de polymerization These subprocesses are largely governed by the anaphase-promoting complex, Aurora B kinase, and kinesin-8 Combinatorial inhibition of these sub processes yielded cells with hyperstable spindle remnants and dramatic defects in cell cycle progression, establishing that rapid spindle disassembly is crucial for cell proliferation

  • 出版日期2010-11-15