
The sugarcane transfer system involves the movement of sugarcane from the field to the mill. This includes transport, loading, trans-loading and off-loading and can amount to more than 25% of the total production cost of sugarcane. An efficient system comprises a balance of high quality operations with respect to safety, accurate loading, reduced cycle time, optimal fuel usage, reduced roadside losses, reduced sugarcane damage and increased off-loading efficiencies. This study was directed towards the management of loose sugarcane grab-loader operations due to the sheer number of these operations in many countries, including South Africa. The characteristics of vehicle consignments, in terms of the sugarcane properties and vehicle design were examined and quantified, in order to identify important factors that need to be considered during the loading operation. High resolution photographs of consignments were analysed with the respective weighbridge data. The results present a general mismatch between the actual sugarcane properties and the apparent properties that were considered when vehicles were designed. Vehicles were on average under-loaded by 7%, however, certain designs seem to be more sensitive to under-loading and road-side spillage. A significant improvement in loading accuracy was detected when load cells were in use and a qualitative visual interpretation could act as a good predictor of off-loading efficiency. Bolster type trailers are better suited to transport sugarcane, compared to frame type trailers, however, also cause more road-side spillages.

  • 出版日期2012-4