
We consider the Boltzmann equation describing the spacial-temporal evolution of the velocity distribution function in a near exponential local Maxwellian regime. We present two robust nonlinear functionals measuring possible future collisions and L-1-distance between two mild solutions. Through the explicit local cancellation of the collision mechanism due to the special structure of an exponential local Maxwellian solution, we show that the nonlinear functionals in [S.-Y Ha, Nonlinear functionals of the Boltzmann equation and uniform stability estimates, J. Differential Equations 215 (2005) 178-205] satisfy uniform stability estimates. These functionals can be employed to the study of L-1-scattering and uniform L-1-stability estimate of mild solutions for the Boltzmann equation with inverse power intermolecular potentials.

  • 出版日期2006-8-1