
Background. In countries with good diphtheria vaccination coverage, diphtheria cases are very rare. But invasive nontoxigenic C. diphtheriae infections, like bacteriemia, have been emerging during the last decade.
Objectives. The aim of the present investigation was differentiation between C. diphtheriae strains isolated from invasive and non-invasive infections.
Material and Methods. Toxigenic and nontoxigenic C. diphtheriae strains isolated from invasive and local infections and from carriers in the period of the 1960's to 2008 were analyzed. A PCR MP technique was used for the first time for differentiation between C. diphtheriae isolates. The PCR MP results obtained were compared to PFGE and ERIC-PCR results.
Results. PCR MP differentiates the strains at a similar level as PFGE and ERIC-PCR but, opposite to PFGE and ERIC-PCR, the technique makes it possible to differentiate strains isolated from invasive infections from strains isolated from local infections.
Conclusions. This is the first work revealing genetic differences between nontoxigenic C. diphtheriae strains isolated from invasive and local infections. PCR MP is a useful method for the differentiation of C. diphtheriae. The method gives the possibility for identification of C. diphtheriae strains possessing invasive properties (Adv Clin Exp Med 2011, 20, 6, 717-720).

  • 出版日期2011