
The paper presents the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, a numerical method for simulating fluid dynamics phenomena, based on particle systems. The SPH method approximates continuum with a finite number of particles which carry physical properties and serve as approximation points for spatial functions. Integral approximations of field functions and their derivatives are described using smoothing kernel functions which have to satisfy a number of conditions to ensure consistency with a given order. Particle approximations are also shown. This method can be used for simulating either compressible or incompressible flows if the special equation of state, proposed by Morris et al., is applied. A computer algorithm is developed for two standard benchmarking cases, the Poiseuille and the Couette flow. It is shown that the simulation results agree fairly well with the analytical series solution. Nevertheless, some combinations of time step for numerical integration and sound speed can lead to non-physical phenomena. Like any other numerical method, SPH has its advantages and disadvantages noted through practical use and theoretical considerations, which are briefly described in this paper.

  • 出版日期2012