
This article aims to shed light on mechanisms to integrate a strategy on Corporate Sustainability in companies. The analysis is based on a holistic method derived from organisation theory, organisational behaviour theory and strategic management theory. The process of integration into the organisational system is explored by analysing the coalescence of organisational continuous improvement, structure and culture. The coherent use of integration mechanisms is defined as key for a successful CS integration. The LEAPFROCS method is presented to capture the success of integration mechanisms and their application. The method is tested using empirical data from 2 case studies. The results of the data analysis - the patterns - were validated in discussion with company representatives. The results show that the process of CS integration is company-specific, as is the selection of patterns to create a self-reflection of companies on CS integration catalysing future corporate strategies for improving CS integration into the specific company's organisational systems.

  • 出版日期2017-12