
Technological advances in computed tomography (CT) resulted in an expansion of (the spectrum of) indications and numbers of examination in cardiology. Thus, CT found it's way into cardiological clinical practice as well as in current guidelines. This article describes the state of the technology, current developments, and the clinical significance of cardiac CT. Determination of indications, conduct, and assessment of coronary CT affect the core content of cardiological expertise. On the basis of the expected further increase in coronary CT examinations, cardiologists need to be familiar with this modality. Hence, the curriculum "Cardiac CT" for the additional qualification of cardiologists has been introduced. The conduct and interpretation of cardiac CT require the expertise of cardiologists and radiologists to ensure its diagnostic value and patient safety in the best possible way. Therefore, structures for cooperation between the two disciplines need to be established in outpatient and in inpatient care.

  • 出版日期2016-8
