
DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) is specific receptor on Dendritic cells, and plays a pivotal role on antigens presentation. Uptodate, the clear regulation mechanisms for DC-SIGN expression are not available. IL-4 is one of the most important cytokines inducing DC-SIGN production, while, NF-kappa B is an important transcription factor controlling signaling transduction. Both IL-4 and NF-kappa B are closely related to DC-SIGN regulation. NF-kappa B and IL-4 actions on DC-SIGN promoter activity, DC-SIGN expression as well as interactions between IIL-4 and NF-kappa B were investigated in THP-1 cell. It was found that the mutation of NF-kappa B binding site in DC-SIGN promoter results in DC-SIGN promoter activity decrease about 50%. NF-kappa Bp50 stimulates DC-SIGN expression in THP-1 cells. IL-4 upregulates DC-SIGN expression on THP-1 cells as well as NF-kappa B production. These data reveal that NF-kappa B is associated with IL-4 induced DC-SIGN expression.