
Introduction: Provider advice is considered key to behavioral change for a healthier lifestyle. However, a healthcare professional simply telling an individual to change does not prompt behavior change. This study intends to link patient knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs to the stages of change. By incorporating a stages-of-change assessment and tailoring interventions to patient with diabetes, outcomes can improve. Methods: This study is a secondary data analysis of a single-site, prospective intervention study promoting walking in patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 111) in an Army community hospital. Results: Analysis of variance provided evidence of significant knowledge and attitude differences between precontemplation and contemplation groups, and for significant self-efficacy and social norms differences across the stages of change. Discussion: Results here provided evidence for the application of stages of change in promoting exercise to patient with type 2 diabetes. Specifically, this study makes message recommendations for patients in the various stages of change.

  • 出版日期2013-8
