Application of the Random Coupling Model to Electromagnetic Statistics in Complex Enclosures

作者:Drikas Zachary B*; Gil Jesus Gil; Hong Sun K; Andreadis Tim D; Yeh Jen Hao; Taddese Biniyam T; Anlage Steven M
来源:IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2014, 56(6): 1480-1487.


The effectiveness of the random coupling model (RCM) in predicting electromagnetic wave coupling to targeted electronic components within a complex enclosure is examined. In the short-wavelength limit with respect to the characteristic length of the enclosure, electromagnetic wave propagation within a large enclosure is sensitive to small changes to the interior, or to the boundaries of the enclosure. Such changes can reduce or invalidate the applicability of deterministic predictions of the electromagnetic fields at radiofrequencies (RF) in large enclosures. Under such circumstances, a statistical approach is needed to provide a better understanding of RF coupling to components within large enclosures. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the applicability of a statistical technique, the RCM, to estimate the probabilistic magnitudes of RF fields on electrically large components (i.e., long cables, etc.) that are partially shielded within a complex, 3-D enclosure.