
Real monitoring data are required for the validation of models or methods used to estimate industrial emission inventories of air pollutants. As such, the current study investigated the industrial emissions of four major and three other hazardous air pollutants in four subareas of the Yeongnam area in Korea over five years (2005 through 2009), using direct stack monitoring concentrations, which were obtained from tel-monitoring systems. Yearly variations in the industrial emissions of the target pollutants depended upon the subareas and chemical types. For example, the total suspended particulate (TSP) emissions in Geongnam increased for two consecutive years (2007 and 2008) and then, decreased in 2009, whereas the industrial CO emissions in Ulsan sharply increased since 2007. For TSP, primary metal manufacturing (PMM) and Power, electricity and gas supplying companies (PEGSC) were two major industrial emission sources. PEGSC exhibited the highest source for both SO(2) and NO(x) emissions, followed by PMM and petroleum and petrochemical companies in descending order. For CO emissions, PPM exhibited the highest source, followed by municipal waste treatment and intermediate waste treatment facilities in descending order. Both NH(3) and HF were emitted primarily from two subareas (Ulsan and Geongbuk), which have fertilizer production companies. Both Geongnam and Geongbuk exhibited the highest and the second highest HCl emissions, presumably due to emissions during the acid treatment processes of various metals. Most of the industry categories, which are associated with fuel combustions or waste incineration, exhibited the highest and the second highest emission proportions for NO(x) and SO(2), respectively. Maximum emissions were observed in the winter or summer season, while minimum emissions were observed in the spring or fall season, presumably due to increased energy utilizations for residential as well as industrial heating and cooling.