
The MOX fuel effective behavior in nominal pressure water reactor condition: Micro-mechanical modeling by non uniform transformation field analysis The heterogeneous distribution of the plutonium in the MOX nuclear fuel involves that the modeling of its behavior, under irradiation in pressure water reactor (PWR), is realized by the construction of macroscopic laws taking into account the microstructural effects. To homogenize this local problem, we chose a Non uniform Transformation Field Analysis (J.-C. Michel, P. Suquet, Int. J. Solids Struct. 40 (2003) 6937-6955). We thus present here, the works led on this model to adapt it to the MOX fuel behavior in PWR, nominal conditions, as well as a comparison of the global and local results of this model to reference calculations.

  • 出版日期2011
  • 单位中国地震局
