
This paper considers compact fault-tolerant routing schemes for weighted general graphs, namely, routing schemes that avoid a set of failed (or forbidden) edges. We present a compact routing scheme capable of handling multiple edge failures. Assume a source node s contains a message M designated to a destination target t and assume a set F of edges crashes (unknown to s). Our scheme routes the message to t (provided that s and t are still connected in G \ F) over a path whose length is proportional to the distance between s and t in G \ F, to \F\(3) and to some poly-log factor. The routing table required at a node v is of size proportional to the degree of v in G and some poly-log factor. This improves on the previously known fault-tolerant compact routing scheme for general graphs, which was capable of overcoming at most 2 edge failures.

  • 出版日期2013-1