
Sensor nodes which are randomly deployed in inaccessible terrains or disaster relief operations compose wireless sensor networks for gathering data. They send the gathered data to the sink which is located far away. Since their power sources are either battery or non-rechargeable, they must at least operate for a given mission time or as long as possible in order to send the gathered data to the sink. Therefore, in WSNs, prolonging the network lifetime via a more effective use of energy is the major challenge. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is one of an energy efficient algorithms in WSNs. In LEACH, the role of being a cluster header is decided by a probability. This means that cluster headers can be concentrated at some regions in the network field thereby, non-header nodes which are far away from cluster headers need to consume more energy for sending data. This will be a cause of the sensor fault and the lifetime of the whole network will be reduced. The goal of this study was to perform an energy-efficient data gathering via the hierarchical strips based division of the network field in order to resolve this problem. Through the simulation results, we proved that the present proposal has good performances in terms of the network lifetime and energy efficiency compared to LEACH.

  • 出版日期2015-12