Aptamer-based point-of-care diagnostic platforms

作者:Dhiman Abhijeet; Kaira Priya; Bansal Vipul; Bruno John G; Sharma Tarun Kumar
来源:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2017, 246: 535-553.


This review covers a broad range of well-established and novel diagnostic platforms which are currently being considered for use in commercial point-of care (POC) diagnostics utilizing aptamers instead of antibodies as the molecular recognition elements. Relevant technologies include traditional enzyme-linked colorimetric plate assays, lateral flow test strips, more exotic homogeneous "lights on" fluorescence assays, as well as new nanoparticle-based, electrochemical, electrochemiluminescence and other technologies suitable for rapid and facile POC clinical diagnostics. Advantages of using aptamers over antibodies in such POC diagnostic platforms are elucidated in each case.