
The new technique for generation of coordinate control point networks based on photogrammetric processing of heterogeneous planetary images (obtained at different time, scale, with different illumination or oblique view) is developed. The technique is verified with the example for processing the heterogeneous information obtained by remote sensing of Ganymede by the spacecraft Voyager-1, -2 and Galileo. Using this technique the first 3D control point network for Ganymede is formed: the error of the altitude coordinates obtained as a result of adjustment is less than 5 km. The new control point network makes it possible to obtain basic geodesic parameters of the body (axes size) and to estimate forced librations. On the basis of the control point network, digital terrain models (DTMs) with different resolutions are generated and used for mapping the surface of Ganymede with different levels of detail (Zubarev et al., 2015b).

  • 出版日期2016-9