
Transcranial magnetic resonance imaging-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MRgHIFU) is gaining attention as a potent substitute for surgical intervention in the treatment of neurologic disorders. To discern the neurophysiologic correlates of its therapeutic effects, we applied MRgHIFU to an intractable neurologic disorder, essential tremor, while measuring magnetoencephalogram mu rhythms from the motor cortex. Focused ultrasound sonication destroyed tissues by focusing a high-energy beam on the ventralis intermedius nucleus of the thalamus. The post-treatment effectiveness was also evaluated using the clinical rating scale for tremors. Thalamic MRgHIFU had substantial therapeutic effects on patients, based on MRgHIFU-mediated improvements in movement control and significant changes in brain mu rhythms. Ultrasonic thalamotomy may reduce hyper-excitable activity in the motor cortex, resulting in normalized behavioral activity after sonication treatment. Thus, non-invasive and spatially accurate MRgHIFU technology can serve as a potent therapeutic tool with broad clinical applications.

  • 出版日期2015-1