Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound enhances palatal mucosa wound healing in rats

作者:Maeda Takao; Masaki Chihiro*; Kanao Masato; Kondo Yusuke; Ohta Atsumi; Nakamoto Tetsuji; Hosokawa Ryuji
来源:Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 2013, 57(2): 93-98.


Purpose: Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) has been used in fracture treatment to shorten the time needed for biological wound healing. However, the influence of LIPUS exposure on oral wound healing has not been sufficiently investigated. This study was conducted to evaluate low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on wound healing in palatal excisional wounds of rats.
Methods: Excisional wounds, 5 mm in diameter, were made in the center of the palate of rats. Animals were divided into four experimental and control groups (1-week after LIPUS exposure, 1-week control, 2-week after LIPUS exposure, and 2-week control). The affected area in the experimental group was exposed to LIPUS, daily frequency: 3 MHz, intensity: 160 mW, exposure time: 15 min. Specimens were fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution immediately after sacrifice. The wound was measured histologically.
Results: Wound width in the LIPUS group tended to be smaller than that of the control group. The experimental group in both 1-week and 2-week groups showed that unhealed areas were significantly smaller by LIPUS than those in the control groups (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Our results suggest that the use of LIPUS on palatal excisional wounds was effective in promoting epithelial and connective tissue closure.

  • 出版日期2013-4