
Thermo-hydraulic simulation is a key element of evaluating structural changes that improve plant thermal performance. Groups at the University of Cambridge (UK) and the University of Guanajuato (Mexico) have been collaborating over the last six years on evaluating performances of heat exchanger networks subject to fouling using thermo-hydraulic simulation tools. These tools allow the application of a very broad approach to the retrofit of heat recovery systems. Fouling is, to date, a key industrial problem with severe economic and environmental penalties. Use of dynamic fouling models (such as ones for chemical reaction fouling that occurs in pre-heat trains processing crude oil, and mass transfer controlled fouling in cooling water systems) in thermo-hydraulic simulations allows one to identify and propose industrially relevant and practically viable solutions to the fouling problem. This knowledge needs to be combined with analysis of heat recovery networks when considering retrofits in order to generate robust solutions. These points are demonstrated in a short case study.

  • 出版日期2013-3