
Emissions of laser printers and photocopiers (LP%26P) may be associated with health problems. The aim of this review is to describe the clinical picture that is triggered by exposure to LP%26P and the molecular mechanisms underpinning the symptoms. Exposure to LP%26P to vulnerable subjects may cause a symptom complex consisting of 1) irritation and hyperresponsiveness of the upper and lower respiratory tract; and 2) chronic fatigue (syndrome, CFS). Symptoms occur within hours after L%26P exposure and may last for some days or become chronic with exacerbations following LP%26P exposure. Substances that can be found in toners or are generated during the printing process are Silica nanoparticles, Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles, Carbon Black, metals, ozone, volatile organic compounds (VOC), etc. The latter may generate oxidative and nitrosative stress (O%26NS), damage-associated molecular patterns molecules, pulmonary and systemic inflammation, and modulate Toll Like Receptor 4 (TRL4)-related mechanisms. It is concluded that LP%26P emissions may cause activation of the TLR4 Radical Cycle and thus be associated with the onset of chronic inflammatory and O%26NS illnesses, such as CFS, in some vulnerable individuals. Cinnamon, an antagonist of the TLR4 complex, and Hydrogen, a potent antiinflammatory and oxygen radical scavenger, may have efficacy treating LP%26P-induced illness.

  • 出版日期2013
  • 单位迪肯大学