
We study a gauge theory in a 5D warped space via the dimensional deconstruction that a higher dimensional gauge theory is constructed from a moose of 4D gauge groups. By the AdS/CFT correspondence, a 5D warped gauge theory is dual to a 4D conformal field theory (CFT) with a global symmetry. As far as physics of the gauge theory, we obtain the one-to-one correspondence between each component of a moose of gauge groups and that of a CFT. We formulate a supersymmetric extension of deconstruction and explore the framework of natural supersymmetry in a 5D warped space -the supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum model with the IR-brane localized Higgs and bulk fermions - via the gauge moose. In this model, a supersymmetry breaking source is located at the end of the moose corresponding to the UV brane and the first two generations of squarks are decoupled. With left-right gauge symmetries in the bulk of the moose, we demonstrate realization of accidental or emergent supersymmetry of the Higgs sector in comparison with the proposed "Moose/CFT correspondence."

  • 出版日期2015-3-19