
This research shows the exfoliation of the anterior dentition has significant potential to aid in establishing the minimum length of the post-mortem interval. Accumulated degree days (ADD) were used to quantify the decomposition of the periodontal ligament, represented by post-mortem exfoliation of the incisors. After subjects were removed subsequent to disturbance by scavengers and time limitations on the study, the final sample size was 36 incisors from the maxillae and mandibles of seven pigs (Sus scrofa). Average daily temperature was calculated using hourly temperature data recorded using DS1921G thermochrons for the duration of the project (June 14-December 17, 2008). During this period, six teeth (16.7%) were exfoliated. ADD for these six teeth ranged from 1539.7 degrees C to 2006.7 degrees C. The average ADD required for exfoliation was 1788.0 degrees C (SD = 198.1 degrees C). No differences in ADD required for exfoliation were observed between the maxillary and mandibular teeth (t = 2.085; p = 0.128).

  • 出版日期2012-7-10