
Traditional Call Admission Control (CAC) schemes only consider call-level performance and are mainly designed for circuit-switched wireless network. Since future wireless communications will become packet-switched systems, the packet-level features could be explored to improve the system performance. This is especially true when the TCP-type of elastic applications are running over such packet-switched wireless networks, as the elasticity of TCP applications has more tolerance toward the throughput/delay variation than non-elastic traffic does. In order to efficiently utilize the system resource from an admission control perspective, we propose a TCP-aware CAC scheme to regulate the packet-level dynamics of TCP flows. We analyze the system performance under realistic scenarios in which (i) the call holding time for non-elastic traffic like voice is independent of system states and (ii) the call holding time for TCP type of traffic depends on the system state, i.e., on the TCP flow's transmission rate. Extensive simulations are presented under different scenarios to show that the proposed scheme can effectively improve the system performance in terms of call blocking probability, call-level throughput (call/min) and link utilization, in accordance with our theoretical results.